Simply 7 with Bianca Schulze & Giveaway: CATTITUDE

Today’s picture book comes with a unique blog tour and giveaway (unlike others I’ve hosted before).


Photo Credit Susan English

Bianca Schulze has visited my blog before.  She is the founder and editor of The Children’s Books Review – a resource devoted to children’s literature and literacy. Bianca is also the bestselling author of “101 Books to Read Before You Grow Up,” an Amazon “Book of the Month.” She is a reader, reviewer, mother, and children’s book lover. Born and raised in Sydney, Australia, Bianca now lives with her husband and three children near Boulder, Colorado.  You can learn more about her at her website.

Cattitude Tour HeaderBianca is hosting a blog tour and shared a PDF copy of this book with me in order to share my opinion.  She has asked that I share my review is in partnership with The Children’s Book Review, but I haven’t received any remuneration for this.

Screen Shot 2024-02-23 at 4.58.42 PMCATTITUDE is a book about a cat that no one but the main character, a little boy, understands and loves.  Some think she is grumpy or stand-offish as she leaves the room whenever people come to visit.  Some think she is annoying as she likes to hide and surprise unsuspecting toes.  All of Cleo’s problems are null and void though, as the main character loves her regardless of the cons.  This is a sweet book that cat lovers will appreciate.

Welcome back Bianca.

Me: I love a cat with cattitude! What gave you the idea for this story?

Bianca: I’m laughing because all cats have a cattitude if you ask me! I can’t tell you how many funny, quirky, snuggly, sharp-clawed, no-clawed, and snaggle-toothed cats I’ve encountered. While one might assume it was a specific cat that inspired me, it was actually the book designer of all my dragon books, Michelle Martinez, who came to me with the fun idea of writing a story titled Cattitude. She was right!

Me: Your story has a great flow and a wonderful ending. What was the final word count? Did you have to revise it a lot to get to this point?

Bianca: The final word count is around 679 words, give or take. Cattitude was my most challenging story to “get right” to date. There were at least three totally different and very bad versions (one that included farm animals and another in which Cleo had a lovely day with another cat named Boots). So, yes! Let’s make that capital YES!! I had to revise this story A LOT. As they say, the real writing and magic happen in the revisions.

So, when I hear that you enjoyed both the flow and the ending—you’ve no idea how much this means to me. That’s really kind of you to say, and I’m thrilled!

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Me: I’ve never seen a cat eat blueberries before! I knew dogs could eat certain fruits and veggies, but I’d not heard that with cats. Is there a cat you know that has eaten blueberries? What made you decide to include that little character quirk?

Bianca: The whole truth and nothing but the truth; I wanted to go with the cliché of spilled milk. However, cats are typically lactose intolerant and shouldn’t drink milk. Even though it’s a fictional story, I wouldn’t want to upset any cat lovers or send the message to kids that they should give their cats a bowl of milk. So, I researched all the safe and veterinarian-okayed cat foods, and blueberries fit the bill.

If you’ve spilled a container of blueberries, you know they bounce, scatter, and roll all over the floor. I was excited to see how Samara Hardy would illustrate this page—and I love that she captured the moment right when the narrator tips the bowl from the table, and the blueberries are in motion on their way to the floor. From someone prone to making accidental messes, I feel this moment right in the pit of my stomach when I look at both his and his sister’s faces. That “oh no” in an instance kind of moment.

Me: I love that despite the “problems” everyone in this little boy’s family has with the cat in this story, your main character loves her (and she him). Why was that important for you to share with young readers? Are you at all worried about this cat’s longevity in this family?

Bianca: On a deeper level, I almost think of this connection beyond just a pet and human relationship. I’m obsessed with therapist, author, podcaster Dr. Becky and her message of every child being good inside. I love that while everyone else gets annoyed with Cleo, the cat, the narrator sees right through the shenanigans to Cleo’s heart—the narrator knows Cleo is good inside just as we all are—even when we make mistakes or have an off moment.

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Me: I love that.  What is one thing that surprised you in writing this story?

Bianca: Honestly—that the story even ended up coming together. I dedicated this story to my first cat, Puss. But I really should have dedicated it to my husband, who made me feel so supported and made sure I got the time to work on Cattitude to create a story that I could feel proud of, as well as the entire Clever Publishing team behind the book.

Me: The illustrations by Samara Hardy are so playful. I love the color palette she used for the story. What were your favorite illustrations?

Bianca: It’s the page when Cleo is hiding underneath sister Addie’s bed, looking at the unsuspecting little-kid feet in teddy bear socks just waiting to be swiped. Cleo’s facial expression is pure evil genius on this page. And one of my kiddos let out the best “aw” when she saw the llama slippers on the bedroom floor. I think we all need llama slippers now.

Dragon Book Giveaway 2Me: What pets of your own do you have? Do you have a cat too?

Bianca: While I have been a cat owner, I am currently a dog owner. And Poppy wouldn’t have it any other way! You can meet her on Instagram. I don’t post there often, but when I do, I love sharing a favorite quote in the comments that harnesses some of the moment’s magic from the photo.

Thank you for stopping by my blog today Bianca.

But wait, dear readers! There’s more!  Bianca is hosting her own fabulous giveaway.  As Bianca has worked with Samara before, they’re giving way their entire Dragon series and a $50 gift card to  You can enter that giveaway here.

3 thoughts on “Simply 7 with Bianca Schulze & Giveaway: CATTITUDE

  1. I’m a cat owner, and wow, they do have catitude! I think our cat Monet is a relative of Cleo. All the grands had to learn to be cautious around her and ask if they can pet her (checking on her catitude of the day). But we still love her! Congratulations! Great interview. 🙂

  2. I’m definitely a dog person but this book looks adorable! I stayed with a friend for a week who has 2 cats and let me tell you, I’m going to let them know about this book! Congratulations!

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